Love and hate
Around the circle we go. Each man and woman taking a turn. Nothing unexpected. Fear of complications. Frustration about not being able to eat “everything” I want. Shots are a pain in the ass. Another hates the finger sticks. Neuropathy. When they all finish I ask the second question: “What do you love most about having diabetes?”
One man vehemently: “NOTHING!” The rest, however, gave it thoughtful consideration and all of them came up with something positive. I eat better. I take better care of my health. I lost weight. I exercise more. I value life more.
Oddly, none of them asked me for my answers. So I guess I’ll share them here. What I love most: it brought me here. To this job. To this mission. To this new life. I’ve got a quote from Fredrick Buechner on my wall: “The place God calls you to is the place where your deep joy and the world’s deep hunger meet.” Well said.
Another quote posted on my wall is from Dr. JoEllen Habas: “Diabetes is a pain. A pain in the neck. A pain in the finger tips. And a pain in the wallet.” And that, dear readers, sums up what I hate most about diabetes. The huge drain on my wallet.
Diabetes eats up slightly over one-half of my take home pay. It’s a weakly struggle to pay all my bills. I’m considering dropping my house insurance and my life insurance. My tires are bald, I’m way overdue for an oil change, and my car has never had a tune-up. I was feeling pretty sorry for myself until I read a comment posted under the August 1st post by “the m to the c to the a.” Get out the Kleenex and the Zoloft before you read it. I’ve got it easy compared to this poor kid.
OK, so now it is your turn, post by comment: What do you hate most about diabetes? What do you love?