This isn’t
a goodbye, but rather an official acknowledgement both to you readers, and to
myself, that I’m on a diabetes blogging hiatus. This isn’t really news to
anyone, as my mother pointed out recently over dinner, my last post was
But before
you think my health has taken a turn for the worse, let me assure you that quite
the opposite is true. Just as predicted by my medical team a bit over a year
ago, it took me a full year to recover from my near-death experience. I’ve
really rebounded over the last two months and now I’m actually feeling like my
old overly energetic self again. I’m back to working too much, drinking too
much, smoking too much, swearing too much, and womanizing (with my wife of 26
years). But now I’m taking a break from all of that. Well, except the fucking
swearing too much and the damn womanizing the wife, of course.
Here’s the
deal on the blogging. I just discovered that there’s only so many hours in the
day. I have my own diabetes 24-7, plus my wife’s, too. (She beat me at Blood
Sugar Bingo the other night, trumping my post-anniversary dinner reading of 249
mg/dL with her own 250. What? What’s
that? The goal is to have the lowest blood sugar, not the highest? Well, shit!
Why didn’t someone tell me that earlier?? I’ve been paying the game wrong all
these years!) Then 36 hours a week I have 350 other PWDs to worry about. On
top of that there’s the diabetes weekly column, the monthly diabetes column,
and assorted diabetes articles that come my way.
At times
in the past, there are things I really wanted to share, or things I really need
to say, but right now—now that I’m feeling human again—I find that I don’t want
to spend my “free” time with diabetes anymore than I already have to. Instead,
I’m finding joy in reading a good book, exploring museums, or pursing my
interests in archeology, weather, aviation history, and online shopping. So
don’t expect much here for a while.
it’s not like you are lacking from my diabetes writing. I’m still keeping up
with my weekly diabetes advice column over at Diabetes
Mine (now at Healthline with a theoretical audience of 25 million people a
month). We just marked my 200th column for the ‘Mine. And of course
I’m still writing for dLife,
a few months ago my 50th piece for them was posted. Then, of course,
I’m still writing for magazines like Diabetes Self-Management. Did you catch
that crazy four-piece “magnum opus” I wrote on blood glucose monitoring for
them? So I’m not thinking there’s much of a shortage of Wil for you to read.
But I do
have a couple of quick things to wrap up before I take the official hiatus. The
first is that I want all of you to buy and read a book called “The Dangers of Kissing
and Diet Coke,”
by Mitzi Mensch. It’s the tale of a lady who had a series of mysterious health crisises
that make diabetes look like a walk in the park, written in parallel of the
story of her re-kindling a romance from her youth via the internet. There’s a
couple of things to really love about this book. First, no matter how sick you
are feeling, you’ll feel better knowing this poor lady was sicker. Perverse, I
know. Second, her extraordinarily loveable personality shines through the pages
in a way I’ve rarely seen. Damn, you really wish you could have dinner with her
when you read her work! Third: Seriously? A tale of internet romance with a
married man interwoven with a tale of worsening chronic illness? How can that work? Well, it can and it does, but
only because she’s one hell of a good writer. Plus, it’s a kick-ass title,
isn’t it? It made me want to pick it up. I’m glad I did. Oh, right, and she
worked for an HMO and couldn’t get good healthcare for herself. And she knew
how to navigate the system! So the book is also sort of an indictment against
how our healthcare “system” is organized, too, especially when it comes to
complex illnesses or things that break the mold.
Next, got
an elder with a ton of meds? We just lost one of ours. Deb’s mom, who lived
with us for the last three years… Well, that’s not really accurate… The truth
is she slowed died before our eyes over the last three years despite all our
best efforts; her mind and her body succumbing in slow motion to a nasty pack
of degenerative muscle and nerve illnesses. Over the last year, while I’ve regained
strength and mind, she lost both. It’s been a very long time since Debbie and I
had a date, one or the other of us has had to be here at home with her mother
24-365 for longer than I care to recall.
Oh, sorry,
got off track. I worry that this absent-mindedness is from the encephalitis,
but I’m told I was always that way. Anyway, if you have someone with tons of
meds on various schedules, can I recommend the Med Center System? It’s an intimidating
pyramid of pill containers for various times of the day that let’s you organize
four times a day meds in advance for a full month, and helps track what’s been
taken and what hasn’t. It even has a talking reminder alarm. My only complaint is that the timer’s voice isn’t Angela
Jolie’s or Olivia Newton John’s. Oh, and it’s kinda big and kinda ugly, but if
you need something like this, function really trumps form.
Lastly, I
got a sample of a pretty amazing low carb bread a while back. The Great Low Carb Bread Company makes a number of
products, and while I didn’t think much of their bagels or muffins, their paleo
hamburger bun was pretty awesome. It’s flat and high-fiber but it actually
tastes good, plus their ridiculously low sounding 2 net carb impact (yes, two
carbs!) is accurate. Bottom line: An option to the flimsily lettuce wrap for
those of us whose bodies equally hate flour and carbs. (Ain’t life grand?)
So that’s
it. To-do list ta-done! I’m officially on diabetes blogging hiatus and I’m off
to have fun in the sun… and the rain… and the snow. But not to worry, I’ll be
back. Probably in time for another neglected Thanksgiving post!
In a while, crocodile....
Your writing is a great resource, so I'm glad you will still be participating through other websites. Enjoy your increased free time, you deserve it!
Hey, I did catch that crazy four-piece “magnum opus” you wrote on blood glucose monitoring. Very informative. But I had to keep making doctor appointments so I could go back and finish it.
I've always enjoyed your writing, and I will continue to do so wherever it is. Enjoy the free time... you deserve it.
Will - Enjoy yourself and come back when you have something to say. Really appreciate your perspective and delivery. Actually just told Mike H that earlier today.
Wil, as you know, I've always loved your writing in all it's forms. I'll miss your posts here, but I understand the overload completely.
Sorry to hear about Deb's mom. Losing a parent is always difficult, as I learned late year. I hope you both miss her less as time goes on.
I look forward to each and everyone of your posts. I'm sad that you have taken a break from LifeAfterDX but happy that you continue your Sat posts here. I like your quirky humor and straight talk. Thanks for sharing and giving me a chance to read some of your past posts.
(I just tried to post this on DMine but it requires FB. Not happening).
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